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Benga, L., W. P. M. Benten, E. Engelhardt, K. Köhrer, C. Gougoula and M. Sager (2014). "16S ribosomal DNA sequence-based identification of bacteria in laboratory rodents: a practical approach in laboratory animal bacteriology diagnostics." Laboratory Animals 48(4): 305-312.

Freudenberger, T., R. Deenen, I. Kretschmer, A. Zimmermann, L. F. Seiler, P. Mayer, H. K. Heim, K. Köhrer and J. W. Fischer (2014). "Synthetic gestagens exert differential effects on arterial thrombosis and aortic gene expression in ovariectomized apolipoprotein E-deficient mice." British Journal of Pharmacology 171(22): 5032-5048.

Grether-Beck, S., F. Kuck, H. Brenden, I. Felsner, N. Graffmann, M. Schneider, A. Lindecke, H. Ezzahoini, S. Weinhold, K. Köhrer, M. Urberg, A. Marini, R. Piekorz and J. Krutmann (2014). "Downregulation of miR-15b is associated with increased sirtuin 4 (SIRT4) expression in photoaging of human skin." Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134: S116-S116.

Grether-Beck, S., F. Kuck, M. Singh, H. Brenden, I. Felsner, N. Graffmann, M. Schneider, A. Lindecke, H. Ezzahoini, S. Weinhold, S. Schmidt, K. Köhrer, M. Urberg, A. Marini, R. Piekorz and J. Krutmann (2014). "Downregulation of miR-15b is associated with increased sirtuin 4 (SIRT4) expression in premature fibroblast senescence in-vitro and photoaging of human skin in-vivo." Experimental Dermatology 23(3): E39-E39.

Kalfalah, F., S. Sobek, B. Bornholz, C. Gotz-Rosch, J. Tigges, E. Fritsche, J. Krutmann, K. Köhrer, R. Deenen, S. Ohse, M. Boerries, H. Busch and F. Boege (2014). "Inadequate mito-biogenesis in primary dermal fibroblasts from old humans is associated with impairment of PGC1A-independent stimulation." Experimental Gerontology 56: 59-68.

Xu, H. C., M. Grusdat, A. A. Pandyra, R. Polz, J. Huang, P. Sharma, R. Deenen, K. Köhrer, R. Rahbar, A. Diefenbach, K. Gibbert, M. Lohning, L. Hocker, Z. Waibler, D. Haussinger, T. W. Mak, P. S. Ohashi, K. S. Lang and P. A. Lang (2014). "Type I Interferon Protects Antiviral CD8(+) T Cells from NK Cell Cytotoxicity." Immunity 40(6): 949-960.