Guidelines & FAQ
On the following page you will find important information on the sample requirements, the correct labeling of the samples, your obligations as a user of the GTL, information on the transport of your samples and much more.
General information about your samples
We ask you to submit aliquots of your samples in the quantities required for the analysis. Please refer to the sample requirement document for the workflow specific requirements. Before sending/bringing samples, we ask you to perform a quality control (quantity and quality) of your samples and provide us with the results. Set the concentration and volume of the samples to their respective workflow-specific values (see sample requirements PDF). Please normalize all samples of a batch to the same values, this makes processing easier and faster.
For your own safety, keep all remaining material in your custody.
Sample requirements:
Further information:
Please label your samples only with the Samples Identifiers provided by our TSM system after project submission.
In order to process QC samples (RNA / DNA aliquots solely intended for quality analysis) as well as NGS- and Sanger projects we need a completed "Blockzettel" as order form (incl. "Kostenstelle" and GTL-Account). Furthermore, it is necessary to book a project in our TSM-System.
Please note that the order can only be accepted after providing all required documents.
The users of the Genomics & Transcriptomics Laboratory are obliged to
- inform the GTL staff about the existence of possible safety risks in connection with the samples provided!
- All legally required regulations (such as a vote of ethics, approval of genetic engineering and animal experiments, ...) that must be fulfilled in connection with the sample material and the planned analysis!
- To properly acknowledge the work of the GTL in publications according to the rules of good scientific practice:
- In scientific papers, the practical work of GTL staff is to be listed in the appropriate places (eg material, method or result section). The reimbursement of the expenses incurred does not release from this obligation.
- Depending on the scope and complexity of the contribution, individual employees may be included in the acknowledgments with the text stated below * or in the authors list.
- The GTL must be informed before submitting a publication and after the successful publication must be sent to the GTL in electronic form.
*This work was supported by the ‘Genomics & Transcriptomics Laboratory’ (GTL) of the Biological and Medical Research Center (BMFZ) of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.”
Please transport your sensitive samples to us under suitable conditions. Our recommendations for different types of samples can be found below. We can not guarantee for samples submitted incorrectly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you wish to return any remaining material or intermediate products, please inform us at the time of sample collection (sample information sheet).
Type of Analysis Material | In Person | Shipping | |
Sanger | RT | RT | |
Fragment Analysis | RT | RT | |
Quality Control | DNA | RT | RT |
RNA | Ice | Dry Ice | |
NGS | RNA | Ice | Dry Ice |
Library | Ice | Dry Ice | |
gDNA | RT | RT |
In order for us to perform genetic examinations, you need to register. Please first read the 'Privacy Policy and Consent' and then confirm your consent.
After entering the required data you have direct access to the electronic order forms. With the help of the navigation bar, you can commission DNA analyzes (classic Sanger sequencing, NGS sequencing, fragment analysis, ...) and RNA analysis (QC and array analysis, for example) or make requests for special orders. Furthermore, you have the possibility to change your registration data and the information of your orders. Using the navigation bar, you can also find hints and links to software programs needed to view and edit DNA sequencing chromatograms in this protected area.
If your samples are subject to the Gendiagnostikgesetz (GenDG, §8), you are required to fill in the completed form 'Probenfreigabe nach GenDG', which you can find on the downloads page.
As part of our analysis, we also use non-IVD CE certified kits, so the results of the genetic analyzes are only for research purposes.
The laboratories of the GTL correspond to the safety level S1 according to GenTG and the protection level 1 to BioStoffV. Samples which require a higher level of safety or higher protection level must not be sent to our laboratory and must not be processed in the GTL.
Yes, the GTL has been working with a QM system since 2010 and is certified in the areas of Sanger sequencing and DNA fragment analysis according to DIN EN / ISO 9001: 2015 (certificate registration No. 01 100 101390).
The current prices for our services can be found under Prices. Please note that NGS projects can only be calculated on a project-specific basis. If you have questions about costs for NGS projects feel free to contact us.
The GTL is not a service provider for external clients. However, we are open to interesting research projects based on scientific cooperation agreements. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.