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Full Service

Your template DNA is sequenced with one of our standard primers or your individual sequencing primer (e.g., PCR primer).

We carry out all analysis steps for you. If necessary, we will once repeat sequencing free of charge. Several devices from Applied Biosystems are available for this purpose. The resulting DNA sequencing results are examined for their quality and manually edited. All important information about the samples is entered via the Web-based TSM-system.

You may choose between:

  • short (approx. 500 bp) sequence analysis of PCR products ("standard S")
  • long (approx. 800-1000 bp) sequence analysis of plasmids ("Standard-L")
  • fast (about 4 hours) sequence analysis ("Xpress-S")


We offer the option of having your urgent samples sequenced very quickly (Xpress service). Within 4 hours after receipt of samples, the results will be made available. Currently we offer the XPress service for a maximum of 16 samples as 'full-service' with a read length of approx. 500 bases. Quality will be checked and sequencing will be repeated if necessary. Your urgent samples should be ready for processing by 9.00 am.

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