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Fluorometric measurements


The Qubit fluorometer and corresponding assays are available for fluorometric measurements. In such a measurement, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) are specifically detected. The sample is mixed with a dye. This dye (fluorophore) binds selectively to DNA or RNA, so that contamination (other nucleic acids, phenol residues, absorbing salts, etc ...) does not or only minimally influence the concentration determination.

  • Specific, quantitative measurement of DNA and RNA using a fluorometric assay
  • The fluorophore binds specifically to the DNA / RNA, allowing a more accurate measurement compared to photometric measurements
  • Sample volume: 1 - 20 μl
  • available assays:
    • dsDNA HS assay - range 0.2 - 100 ng
    • RNA HS Assay - Measurement range 5 - 10 ng
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